We are specialists in Branding, brand identity creation, advertising campaigns and digital strategy.



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    ``The first big question is to make you realize that Branding is nothing more or less than what people say about you when you are not in the room``.

    (Jeff Bezos)

    Currently, we are facing a consumer looking for products, services and information related to them on digital, both on Google and on Social Networks. Therefore, the relevant and constant presence of a Brand in digital, as in social networks and website, is a key factor for the success and recognition of the Brand.

    Desassossego builds the Branding strategy of a Brand, highlighting aspects such as the creation of the logo, graphic identity (catalog, brochure, envelope, letterhead, business card, etc.), content development for social networks, creation of website, institutional video production and professional photography. Through a well-designed digital Branding strategy, it is possible to create a relationship of proximity and trust with the public. Thoughtful and coherent digital strategies position a Brand in a privileged place in the minds of consumers.

    Branding is not just about creating a logo, concept, visual identity or graphic identity for the Brand. Much more than that, Branding communicates the Brand in all its aspects, positioning it in a unique place vis-a-vis the competition. We are talking not only about social media management and website creation, but also about event planning, institutional video production, promotional video and advertising campaigns. All these small actions create an effective Branding strategy.

    Branding covers a set of aspects in the communication of a Brand: management of social networks, development of videos and institutional campaigns, creation of websites, planning of Google ads and advertising on social networks, etc.

    In this way, we conclude that a Brand that is not in digital will be forgotten. Desassossego is the communication agency that creates Branding strategies tailored to each Brand.
